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+--Forum: Users' Game Review
+---Topic: Americas Army (PC) started by Xofer

Posted by: Xofer on Oct. 19 2005,13:22

System Played on:

Intel Celeron 2.9
512 DDR 2700
128MB radeon

This game is FREE! and Supposedly is being used as a recruitment tool for the army, some say there are subliminal messages and subtleties that make it usefull for getting people interested in the army, who knows.

-A very fun game
-very good graphics
-by rights you need a better computer than I have to run it at its highest capabilities
-realistic as hell
-alot of tactics are needed
-team play is essential or say hello to the spectator screen....

Like I said its free, so definetly go get it and try it out

< Americas Army >

-you can also sign up here once you have an account and everything gets tracked (kills, deaths, experience)

< AAO Tracker >

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