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+---Topic: Windows 8/8.1 does not support ut99 that well. started by DanielX

Posted by: DanielX on Mar. 21 2014,13:39

Hello guys, my parents bought me a new laptop that came with Windows 8 preinstalled on it. I tried to install Unreal Tournament and the installation process was successful but when I started the game it was lagging so badly and I said to myself.. why not choose a different renderer, and so I did. Tried directx8-9 support and it did not lag but the quality was so bad I was forced to change the renderer again... Tried opengl and it did work but the quality was bad again. I disabled vsync so I'd not have that mouse swimming thingy.

Attention, when you buy a computer or a laptop, look first if it has drivers for vista or 7, in that case you can install a new fresh copy of an older version of windows... . I hope that helps somehow.   :)  :)  :)

Posted by: Straycat on Mar. 21 2014,23:50

Posted by: slatts on Mar. 25 2014,10:24

found this... might help.
< >

Posted by: DanielX on Mar. 25 2014,11:11

Tried that a month ago, still no luck. Maybe Windows 8/8.1 will kill old desktop apps and games. :(
Posted by: Straycat on Mar. 25 2014,12:58

8.1 is a stripped win7. Designed for tablets and lowered end craptops. See what version of directX you have. If it's lower then 11 then you need to go to microcrap and download ALL the updates. DOS command for checking it is dxdiag
Posted by: DanielX on Mar. 25 2014,13:42

Straycat, I've tried everything possible, I downloaded all DirectX updates to version 10.1 because my Graphics card cannot go further, I've tried every possible renderer and still the quality isn't good and the game freezes after a while of playing which is a bummer. For that PC that my parents bought me, there are no drivers for 7 or Vista. I'm still with my old one because of UT99. Anyways I came here to warn people about this.. Be careful when buying a new computer, look if it has drivers for 7 before you buy a machine with W8 preinstalled on it. :blues: :p
Posted by: Straycat on Mar. 25 2014,19:06

Must be a craptacular craptop...
Posted by: DanielX on Mar. 26 2014,02:40

oh. why yes sir.. it is.:D :p
Posted by: wilder on April 09 2014,16:23

Ran int o that issues back in 2012 :X  Here's that post

< Forum Topic >

Posted by: DanielX on April 10 2014,06:14

Sir, I tried the same Direct X 9 setting, it would just not work. Thank you though for the time to post this.
Posted by: wilder on May 22 2014,15:07

When you said you tried, did you go and download the hacked Direct3D9 renderer version 1.3 for UT: from <, > follow the instruction to install it to your UT, and fire it up?  You have to select the hacked version as your renderer.

If that's waht you did, hmm any idea what CPU and GPU you got on your laptop?  Hard to believe it can't play a 13 year old game even with that hacked renderer.

Posted by: DanielX on May 22 2014,15:14

It's an amazing laptop trapped in the body of windows 8.1. Here are the specs:

Intel Pentium 2.20 GHz
4 Gb of RAM
Intel HD Graphics up to 3048 mb of video (64 bits)
Dvd Rom

Windows 8.1 .

There is no point playing UT99 on it, I don't use it that much anyways, I'm gonna sell it probably and buy myself a new desktop or windows 7 powered tablet.

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