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+---Topic: See You All Soon started by vicious_killer

Posted by: vicious_killer on Nov. 04 2005,02:39

Hey all it was dope playin with you all, right now there is gonna be an end to my killing sprees and dominating skills, for a while, im moving in to my new apartment, finally about time im gettin up out of the hotel, i have a new job doing construction, 12.00 dollars an hour, and the apt i got is goign to be 575 a month heat and electric included and what not...

and i have one of my friends moving in with me and my girl, so the rent is going to be split in half, so easier living arangements, it's gonna take a while for me to get a internet connection where im at, like prolly my second pay check, no mroe then a month, but till i  come back , hold the fort down, and kick some arse, llloolll, im love and miss you all always and forever, be okay every one, ..

and im sorry bane, that im leaving you here alone with out me, cause i know you love me with all your heart, so i know your gonna cry, because vicious aka me ( joe ) is not gonna be able to play.. but hey all it's not the end for me, not yet, im be here till ut 99 is nolonger alive... that's final, love alway sand forever, talk to you all soon Slatts Wilder Bane  Twisty, Faa. Fire man, Xofer, Martin, and all that i missed im sorry, gonna miss you all for the time bieng, but remmember WHEN I COME BACK, You Better Be Ready For Me HAHAAHAHAHA ROFLMAO... CAuse there is suck thing as ,;;;; computer bots :-P and i will be practicing, hahahahahaha

take care all love always and forever...

Your's Truley And Dearly And Sinly... ~SiN~ViCiOuS!

The One And The Mother Beepin Ownly,

Got Beef, Bring the war, Got War Bring the beef, Got beer Bring the Chicks,... !!!! And ill bring the trees so we can all get blitzed HAHAHA []D3@(3 Out All  ( ONE LOVE )

Posted by: Guest on Nov. 04 2005,03:39

Hey bro, glad to hear you & Ash monster got an apt. already!  :)  Take your time man, do whatever you guys gotta do to get ahead in this crazy world we live in. You know I'll be around here someplace!  :D  Oh, & I'll be sure to keep Jon in check ingame for ya too, I promise bro! Mu ha ha ha haaaa!!!
Posted by: wilder on Nov. 05 2005,12:26

i hope it's appropriate to atleast say congrats on the job and getting your own place!

we'll miss you for the time being until you're back!

Posted by: Queen-B on Nov. 07 2005,01:25

Congrats on the new place to live.See ya soon. :)
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